Studio for ASP.NET Webforms
New Features
- ThemeRoller for Visual Studio.
- ASP.NET Webforms now supports Bootstrap theming.
All Controls
Bug Fixes
A Javascript error no longer occurs after placing any Wijmo controls and then browsing with IE 8.
Bug Fixes
- The Design no longer crashes when a C1EvCal is set as the content of the second accordion pane.
- The Design no longer crashes when a C1ReportViewer is set as the content of the second accordion pane.
- [IE8] A Javascript error is no longer observed after clicking on the Accordion pane.
Bug Fixes
A Javascript error is no longer observed when clicking on any AppViewItem is the 'AppViewPageUrl' property of any item is not set.
Bug Fixes
C1AutoCompleteItems are no longer covered by C1Calendar.
Bug Fixes
- The 'click' event now fires on mobile touch devices.
- The height of the series list no longer gets decreased after postback occurs.
Bug Fixes
- In Windows 8, the Today background color is no applied for Today Date.
- Setting the client-side property 'popupMode' now works correctly.
- [IE10] The Selected style is no longer affected on hovering on any date in the Calendar.
- When the calendar is in decade view, and the displayDate is set, the calendar's title is no longer wrong.
Bug Fixes
- The Carousel is now dimmed when "disabled = true"
- Setting "showControlsOnHover" now works if it is set at runtime.
- Users are no longer able to click and the image is no longer moving although the control is disabled.
- Pager buttons now appear again is preview if set to false before "showPager" is set to true again.
- The Next/Previous buttons now longer work when the control is disabled when the ButtonPosition property is set to "Outside".
- The 'next' button and the 'pager' button now work when you set the Display option at runtime.
- Users are no longer able to click and images are no longer moving when enabled is set to false.
- The images are no longer moving when clicking on the last thumbnail in a disabled Carousel.
- When images are navigated through player in auto play mode, the images are no longer auto playing when it is set to pause.
- The prevBtn/nextBtn are no longer covered by video when the C1Carousel is in an iframe.
All Charts
When the Min/Max Axis property is set, the AutoMin/AutoMax properties will be automatically set to false.
Bug Fixes
- A Javascript error no longer occurs when the LoadLayout method is called.
- The UI of all charts are now displayed at design time when adding a series list.
- The charts are now rendered at the correct axis origin value.
- Setting the 'Max' value for the DateTime axis now works.
- The browser no longer stops responding when setting the 'UnitMajor/UnitMinor' values for DateTime.
Bug Fixes
- The deselected item is no longer selected when AutoPostback is set to true in MultipleSelection mode.
- Controls added in the ItemsTemplate are no longer displated as an html tag after clicking the dropdown button.
- [IE 10] Only the first item over which a user hovers is now highlighted.
- Multiple items are no longer highlighted in the drop down after postback.
- A ToolTip now appears on hovering over the dropdown button or a C1ComboBoxItem at run time.
- Different text is no longer shown in the selected textarea and listitem if closing and opening tags are included in the text.
- If two comboboxes use the same datasource, both can now be selected.
- A selected value is now shown as a selected value.
- A Javascript error no longer occurs after deleting items with a delete button and pressing Enter.
- A ToolTip now appears on hovering over the dropdown button of C1ComboBoxItem at run time.
- The selected property now takes effect at run time when it is set in a buttonclick event using the item's ID.
- SelectedIndices.Count no longer returns the incorrect number 1 when no items are selected.
- The selected item style is now removed from the combo dropdown after a selection is cleared.
- A deselected item is no longer selected for a second time in the combobox at runtime when the "selected" property is set to true.
- The OnClientTextChanged event now fires when text is changed using keyboard keys.
- The "Text" property now refreshes when an item is selected for a second time.
- OnCallBackDataBind now works.
- A 'Null Reference Exception' no longer occurs after postback when there are three or more C1Wijmo controls on a page.
- The previously selected item is no longer still highlighted in the dropdown after postback occurs when the item has been deselected.
- The previous selection is now deselected after loading new data.
- A Javascript error is no longer observed after opening the dropdown button when Dynamic Data is set in C1ComboBox.
- Setting the selectedIndex property at runtime now works.
- The ItemPopulate event is now working properly.
- [IE10] An InvalidCastException is no longer observed after postback when deleting combo items with the close button.
- The OnClientTextChanged event is now fired after entering from the keyboard when the AutoComplete property is set to false.
- Empty data no longer gets displayed with a smaller height.
- A Javascript error is no longer thrown on clicking the trigger button after selecting empty data.
- The 'selectElementWidthFix' is now effected on the width of the original HTML select element.
- A Javascript error is no longer thrown on pressing the 'Down' key after the last ComboItem is selected.
- The OnSelectedIndexChanged event now works if the C1ComboBox is placed inside a ContentTemplate in the UpdatePanel control.
- [IE10] Deselected items are no longer on display in the text area of the C1ComboBox control after pressing the Tab key when the item has been removed by the close button.
- The previously selected item is no longer shown as selected in the C1ComboBox dropdown.
- The selected item style is now correctly applied to the combo item if the underlying wijdatasource contains a space.
- The textChanged event now occurs consistently.
- Text can now be deleted from the textbox area of C1ComboBox.
- A Javascript exception is no longer thrown after selecting an item when AutoPostBack is set to true.
- The 'Highlight Matching' style is no longer effected in the dropdown portion of the C1ComboBox control when items have been selected.
- An unknown gray area is no longer observed after selecting ComboItems from multiple C1ComboBox instances.
- Pressing the backspace key now works.
Bug Fixes
The height of the series list no longer gets decreased after postback occurs.
Bug Fixes
- The title no longer aligns to the right when an External jQuery theme is applied.
- Calling 'open' after 'destroy' now works.
- A label inside a C1Dialog control now gets updated when the C1Dialog control is placed inside an UpdatePanel control.
- The Tooltip is now displayed when hovering over the C1Dialog control.
- Setting the 'stack' option to false at run time now effects the dialog control.
- Extra button icons on the header are no longer increased by one whenever maximizing the control.
- Multiple issues are no longer observed after the control is applied with Bootstrap styles when other wijmo controls are placed on the same page as the C1Dialog control.
Bug Fixes
- C1Editor no longer overlaps the control which is placed below it.
- IE10 no longer crashes after double-clicking inside C1Editor.
- The right border is no longer missing in C1Editor if it is placed inside a C1Expander control.
- Typed text now appears in C1Editor if it is placed inside a C1Expander control.
- IE10 no longer crashes after creating an event in C1EventCalendar and then setting the cursor in C1Editor.
- Focus is no longer lost from C1Editor after closing the color dialog.
- The "DictionaryPath" now takes effect when spell checking.
- An error no longer occurs when spell checking.
- A template applied in the text area of the editor no longer disappears after postback.
- The existing font style is now applied to a new replaced word when using 'Find and Replace'.
- The Ribbon UI is now correctly maintained when the C1Editor control is created in C1Tabs.
- A Javascript error no longer occurs when the Insert Code dialog is closed.
- A special character no longer gets automatically selected and overwritten when a second one is selected from the "Insert Special Character" dialog.
- The "String Not Found" message box no longer displays after using 'Find and Replace' when the words the user is searching for are highlighted.
- The FullScreen button UI is now changed to checked state when it is clicked.
- FontColor is now affected on Underline and Strikethrough when the style is applied first.
- The splitter bar is now shown at the correct position on clicking the Split View button.
- The Full Screen button UI is now shown in the checked state even though FullScreenMode=true.
- Text entered in full screen mode is retained when postback occurs.
- Line breaks are retained after postback when the editor is in 'Bbcode' mode.
- The user can now type in the header of an accordion pane if a C1Editor control is placed inside its content.
- Changing the text font size is now retained and does not revert to the default font size on postback when the text is in selection mode.
- The splitter bar is now shown on clicking the "Split View" button.
- A C1Editor control placed inside an update panel now fires the 'TextSaved' event.
- Multiple issues are no longer observed in C1Editor when applying Bootstrap style.
Bug Fixes
- Validation for Start-time and End-time is now provided when the Start Date or End Date is changed.
- EventCalendar no longer crashes when placed in the second tab page of C1Tabs.
- EventCalendar is now displayed at Design View.
- A Javascript error is no longer observed after clicking the delete button on an event that has not yet been created.
- A Javascript error is no longer observed after placing a C1EventCalendar inside a C1SuperPanel control.
- [IE10] It is now possible to select 'Day View' in the calendar.
- The "New Event" dialog is no longer closed on navigation the months in the calendar dropdown.
- Existing events are now displayed in the left pane of the 'List' view.
- The vertical scroll bar now appears and the "New Event" dialog box is no longer shown cut off.
- [IE8] Events are now rendered correctly.
- Existing event dialog no longer remains open after navigating to another date by clicking on 'NavigationBar'.
- A status bar is no longer displayed outside the C1EventsCalendar.
- EventList from the left pane is no longer listed horizontally and more than the first two events are now visible.
- The width property now works.
- When using Bootstrap, the Today background color, the Time-slot lines, and the down arrow button of the vertical scrollbar are now applied.
- [IE10] The Date number is now displayed in the navigation bar after the Bootstrap style is applied in the C1EventCalendar.
- The "New Event" dialog is no longer closed down when clicking a date in a dropdown calendar of Start/End date.
Bug Fixes
- When 'ScrollWithSelection' is true, a thumbnail is no longer displayed as a blank space and moved when there is no thumbnail image.
- The AutoPlay button no longer disappears when a user touches the play/pause button to play.
- Next and Previous button now appear as they should.
- Enable = false now works in C1Gallery when placed inside a C1Expander control.
- A script error no longer occurs on mouse hover is Mode is not "img"
- Border, button, and background styles are no longer missing in C1Gallery with Bootstrap mode in IE.
- Users are now able to click the play button in the C1Gallery control when the ThumbnailOrientation is 'vertical' and Bootstrap mode is true.
Bug Fixes
The UI of all gauges is now displayed at design time.
"FreezingMode" property added.
Bug Fixes
- The filter dropdown is no longer overlapped by a frozen line.
- Cancelling currentCellChanging now works correctly.
- Sorting in GridView now works if the underlying column name in a datatable has special characters.
- GridView can now edit the CheckBoxField when the AllowClientEditing property is turned on.
- A server side error is no longer thrown when C1GridView is bound to OledbDataReader.
- Keyboard navigation now works in Chrome.
- The UI is now correctly maintained after setting data at runtime in the ContentTemplate of the UpdatePanel.
- Multiple issues are no longer observed when the GridView is placed inside a C1Dialog control.
- Sorting now works after grouping is applied.
- The calendar dropdown of C1Input is no longer overlapped by the frozen bar of C1GridView.
- The filter dropdown trigger button is no longer missing in the last column of C1GridView which is placed inside C1SuperPanel.
- OutlineMode property of the GroupInfo now works in C1Grid with Bootstrap mode.
- A Javascript error is now longer thrown on clicking a cell after leaving edit mode and virtual scrolling.
- Data cells no longer disappear when clicking another cell after leaving edit mode and virtual scrolling.
- An unknown gray object is no longer shown above the rightmost column header if allowVirtualScroll = true.
- The sort direction indicator is now shown on clicking the column in the GroupArea.
- A Javascript error is no longer thrown on clicking the "Edit" button in a data row.
- A Javascript error is no longer thrown when the C1ButtonField is added to the Columns collection.
- Today's date is now shown in the filter bar of the datetime column.
- In IE, the button styles are now shown properly and can now collapse or expand the grouped items in C1Grid with Bootstrap mode.
- Separators are now displayed between the headers of columns if UseBootstrap is true.
- When the Bootstrap style is set, Records are no longer overlapped with the header of C1GridView when the records are scrolled vertically.
- The data row and column header are no longer covered by the frozen line in Bootstrap mode.
- A cursor is now shown in C1ComboBox on clicking inside it when it is used as an embedded editor in C1GridView.
- Focus is no longer always moved to the first row after removing the record from the underlying data source.
- The horizontal scrollbar is no longer removed after leaving the client-side edit mode in a frozen C1GridView.
- Grid lines of column headers are now correctly aligned with data row grid lines.
- A Javascript error is no longer observed after mouse hovering over the rows of C1GridView several times.
Bug Fixes
- [InputNumber] showNullText now works when text is entered and deleted.
- [InputNumber] An error no longer occurs when a value is set for the control that is placed inside C1Tabs.
- [InputNumber] nullText is no longer displayed if the value entered is equal to the minVlaue.
- [InputCurrency] The value no longer gets rounded off automatically if it is more than 15 digits.
- [InputMask] The existing valid value no longer disappears when focus is lost after entering an invalid value.
- [InputMask] Postback now occurs when selecting a valid item from the dropdown when AutoPostback is set to true.
- A JScript error no longer occurs on loading any C1Input control at runtime.
- The ShowNullText and NullText properties now work.
Bug Fixes
A Javascript error is no longer thrown when a C1List selected item is bound to a C1ComboBox.
Bug Fixes
- The items and settings for binding properties no longer disappear after closing the Bindings Collection Editor and clicking the OK button.
- In the C1ListView Designer Form, C1ListViewItems no longer disappear when one is dragged and dropped into position.
- When the "ControlGroupType" is "radiolist," the InnerListControls are no longer enabled even though the "Disable" property is set to true.
- NavigateUrl and SplitUrl now work if C1ListView is inside a C1AppViewPage.
Bug Fixes
- Flickering is no longer observed when moving the mouse over menu items in Chrome.
- After a 'Click' trigger event, the 'MouseEnter' trigger event now works correctly.
- When in sliding mode, clicking the back button on a browser no longer navigates to a blank page.
- Setting the MenuItem to disabled is now retained when postback occurs.
New Features
Added the "EnableTouchBehavior" property.
Bug Fixes
The labels are no longer clipped if the radius is set to null.
Bug Fixes
The label is now fully shown when FillDirection is set to North or South and the LabelAlign property is set to North.
Bug Fixes
A memory leak is no longer observed on rendering C1RadialGauge.
Bug Fixes
- The selected rating no longer disappears when the increased 'Count' at 'RatingMode' is 'Single'.
- The reset button is now displayed in C1Rating when set to Bootstrap style.
Bug Fixes
- The buttons and splitter of the ToolsPanel can no longer be clicked when the control is disabled.
- The ReportViewer status text bar appears before it is resized with the slider bar.
- Setting the height property now works.
- Bookmarks are now displayed in the exported PDF when C1Report is instantiated from C1ReportViewer.
Bug Fixes
The slider now retains a value after postback if Range is set to true.
Bug Fixes
- Users are now able to drag the splitter to a specific position.
- Splitter can now be moved if it is dragged and released in the middle of the paragraph in the Split View of the C1Editor control.
Bug Fixes
The Superpanel is no longer able to scroll by dragging the 'scroll thumb' when enabled is set to false.
Bug Fixes
- The size and alignment of tab header items are now correctly maintained.
- The size of a tab item header is now correctly maintained and icons are now shown at the correct position.
- Adding and removing a tab item at runtime retains state when postback occurs.
- Child controls inside C1TabPages no longer disappear after postback.
- Focus is no longer shown in non-selected TabItems on clicking outside the C1Tabs control.
- A script error no longer occurs on postback when a control is placed inside an UpdatePanel in the C1Tabs control.
- Hidden tabs are no longer shown after postback.
- The first TabItem is no longer always shows as the selected item after postback if an instance of C1Tabs is placed inside a C1Dialog control.
- The last tap item no longer remains at the second line when setting 'scrollable = true.'
Bug Fixes
- The Design no longer crashes when the 'metro-dark' theme is set for all C1Wijmo Controls.
- The EventCalendar New Event Dialog Color dropdown can now be opened after applying a theme from ThemeRoller.
- In EventCalendar design time, the background image can now display.
- Text from the TextBoxes to customeze theme settings can now be deleted by using the "Delete" key.
- In Editor, the toolbar icons are no displayed and the toolbar button no longer gets distorted after applying jQuery UI themes from C1ThemeRoller.
- Navigation button images and other image icons are now displayed properly for wijmo multimedia controls.
- Some shortcut keys are now supported in C1ThemeRoller.
- Incorrect spelling of ThemeRoller is no longer shown in the dialog.
- The "metro-dark" theme is no longer applied and downloaded instead of the "metro" theme in C1ThemeRollerDesigner.
- Toolbar icon images are now displayed in C1Editor at run time when "Wijmo Themes" downloaded from C1ThemeRoller are applied.
- There is no longer a problem while navigating through the properties using keyboard keys.
- The 'ThemeRoller requires internet connection to work" message is no longer displayed after deleting the color code in the color picker textbox and clicking elsewhere to leave focus.
- When a user has selected any of the wijmo themes from the 'New ThemeForm' dialog and edited it with the C1ThemeRoller Designer, styles which were not being applied are being applied now.
- The sample image display for "metro-dark" and the "metro" theme are no displaying in the "NewThemeForm" dialog.
- An "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception no longer occurs after selecting any "jQueryUI" themes and clicking the "Next" button.
Bug Fixes
- The 'height' and 'width' properties of now take effect.
- When the theme is set to 'metro-dark,' the 'CalloutFilled' style is now applied when it is set to true.
Bug Fixes
A small dot no longer appears before the treeview which is hosted in an accordion control and a script manager is included in the page.
Bug Fixes
The ValidatingFile event now fires if JS code is registered on the server-side in the event.
Bug Fixes
- The Child Item ID is no longer conflicted and an error no longer occurs when placing two or more controls on the same page.
- The Child Item ID is no longer conflicted and an error no longer occurs after closing and reopening C1Wizard's Open Designer.
- Navigation now works in Chrome and Firefox if a C1GridView control is placed in a C1WizardStep.
- A Javascript error that occurs when the 'outerHeight' property is set no longer occurs.